Call for Applications - PhD Course on Religion, Conflict and Violence

26-30 October 2015

News –24 August 2015

​​​​​The Research School on Peace and Conflict invites applications for the PhD course Religion, Conflict and Violence​. The course is organized by Ragnhild Nordås​ (PRIO). 

This course will focus on the relationships between religion and conflict; how this link can be understood theoretically and studied empirically, and the empirical patterns we see. The course will look at both how religion affects and is used by potential state challengers (e.g. minorities, rebel groups, terrorists) on the one hand and state policies towards potential or real challenger on the other (e.g. religious freedom/repression). 

The readings, lectures and discussions will focus on global trends as well as particular cases. The course features several guest lecturers. 

​The deadline for applications is 15 September 2015. Later applications may be accepted depending on available spaces. For further information about the course program and admission, please visit the research school course page​.
