Course Description:
In April 1994, a campaign of mass murder took place in Rwanda killing at least 500.000 members (about 70%) of the Tutsi ethnic group, a minority in Rwanda, in less then three months time. This campaign was among the most horrific the world has ever seen, because of its speed, its success and the participation of ordinary people armed with farm equipment.
The course will attempt to shed light on this dark page of Rwandan, African and world history by studying in-dept the political, economic and social landscape in Rwanda before the genocide. The approach will cross micro-level (farm, household), meso-level (group, village, institution) and macro-level (regime, state) approaches from various disciplines such as development studies, agrarian studies, economics and ethnicity studies. The overarching framework is a political economy approach to development and genocide.
Prof. Verwimp holds the Marie and Alain Philippson Chair in Sustainable Human Development at the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, Université Libre de Bruxelles.
Course Literature:
Main text:
Philip Verwimp, 2013, Peasants in Power: a political economy of development and genocide in Rwanda', Springer Verlag, May 2013.
Additonal reading material
Class 1
* Acemoglu, D and J.Robinson, 2012, Why Nations Fail, Profile Books.
* Desforges, A., 1999, Leave None to tell the story, Human Rights Watch, New York.
* Scott, J., 2000, Seeing like a State, Yale University Press, New Haven
* Prunier, G., 1995, The Rwanda Crises, History of a Genocide
Class 2
* Uvin, P., Aiding Violence: the development enterprise in Rwanda, Kumarian Press, 1998
* André, C. and J.Ph.Platteau, 1998, Land Relations under unbearable stress: Rwanda caught in the Malthusian Trap, Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organisation, vol 34. pp.1-47.
Class 3
* Newbury, D and C.Newbury, 2000. Bringing the peasants back in, The American Historical Review, vol.105, n.3, June, pp.832-877
* Pottier, J., 1993, Taking Stock, Food Marketing reform in Rwanda, 1982-1989, African Affairs, 92, 366, pp.5-30
Class 4
* Report of the International Commission on Human Rights Violations in Rwanda since October 1990, FIDH, Paris
* Olson, J, 1990, The impact of changing socio-economic factors on migration patterns in Rwanda, PhD dissertation, Michigan State University
Class 5
* Guichaoua, André, 2010, de la guerre au genocide, La Découverte
* Strauss, S., 2006, The Order of Genocide, Cornell University Press
Class 6
* Kuran, T., Private Truths, Public Lies: The Social Consequences of Preference Falsification, Harvard University Press, 1995
* Yanagizawa, D, Propaganda and Conflict: Theory and Evidence from the Rwandan genocide, unpublished manuscript, 2012
* McDoom, O., 2011, It's whom you know:Social Networks, Interpersonal Connections and Participation in Collective Violence, HiCN working paper 140
Class 7
* Hatzfeld, J, 2003, Season of Machetes
* Longman, T., Genocide and socio-political change: massacres in two Rwandan villages, Issue, a Journal of Opinion, vol.XXIII/2, pp.271-273
Class 8
* Platteau, J.P, Social Norms, Insitutions and Economic Development, Harwood, 2001